Saturday, May 26, 2012


 Sunburnt, tired, and grateful, we flew in last night.

(Tower of London - May 21, 2012)
 England was beautiful... and full of people, and places...

(Westminster Abbey - May 22, 2012)
 ...from childhood stories...

(Kensington Gardens - May 23, 2012)
  ...and childhood dreams.

(C. S. Lewis Nature Reserve in Oxford - May  19, 2012)
On the final leg of our journey, a fellow traveler asked if I was headed to Kansas City for work or tourism, or if it was my final destination. 
I simply answered,  "I am going home." 
And was happy as a duck in water...

(Blenheim Palace in Woodstock - May 20, 2012)
 But I still miss England...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome home, adventuress. :) i can't wait to see and hear more about your trip!